
One Month Down!

This practice has been alive and moving forward at a rapid pace for one month now. Every day I am tackling what’s under my nose and pushing to remain working on the types of projects and collaborations that fuel me!  My partner Olivia and I moved into our apartment in September, it’s now April. We have had the joy of making our space ours, designing, painting, building shelves, repurposing cabinets, and making the space function as one for love and happiness, rest, fun, and work. Lots of work. I intended on starting a design practice at some point in my life, but I never quite imagined that it would come at a time where work and life were happening in the same space all the time. I feel like I’ve already outgrown my tiny little corner, and I look forward to making a studio space my own.

I bought a laptop and monitor, a printer, some software licenses, and hit the ground running. It’s been wild to propose and work on so many big ideas and small projects at once, while operating from my 20 square foot space. It’s definitely my 20 square foot space. There are as many sketchbooks and old projects that will fit – reference when I need it. There’s gear, technology, daily needs, a task light, books I can lean on for solving problems, and a lot of pens, markers and model supplies. The space may be small and limited, but it’s also these things that charm me while I work hard, knowing that it’s my space, and it’s for the purpose of using what I have to make the world a better, more socially engaging, more beautiful place.

Excited to keep pushing, looking forward to sharing much of the process with others.

Be Well!


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Fairmount Innovation Lab


Study Models